Dissociative Identity Disorder: Mind Games that Distort Perception and Challenge the Concept of Multiple Personalities

Fun. Play. Laughter. All important to having a good day and for maintaining mental health. I love challenging myself with online games (particularly arcade games) that keep my mind sharp, my reflexes in tune and fool my perceptions. All games and mind twisters offer me insight into how the human brain work – often to my surprise.

How we Delete & Distort Reality

How we Delete & Distort Reality (Photo credit: entirelysubjective)

Discussions on this blog about mental health issues & dissociative identity disorder (DID) are largely about how the human brain works, but that is a subject rarely addressed; so let’s do it by challenging ourselves and having fun.

Memory researchers and neuroscientists have repeatedly demonstrated that brain mechanisms do not support the existence of multiple personalities resulting from information an individual cannot recall or remember. Research also demonstrates how memories are stored, maintained, and retrieved – again defying theories of memory failure due to repeated traumatic events. Biology of the brain debunks the existence of multiple personalities, but facts do not get in the way of those who promote these theories that lead to the diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder that renders patients to a life of misery – stuck in the past that may or may not be fraught with horrific experiences.

The base that is supports the existence of dissociative identity disorder due to forgetting decade-old traumatic events, defies biology & if removed would collapse the entire theory. The existence of multiple personalities defies logic. It defies reason. Nonetheless, many continue to support the existence of multiple personalities and the diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder ignoring evidence and facts about brain science.

Below are links to games and brain twisters and information that may give you insight into perception. Some demonstrate how easy it is to fool the brain – and show how easy it is to distort facts what we maintain to be true.

Good luck!

The James Randi Educational foundation http://www.randi.org/site/

Play with your Mind: Color Match http://playwithyourmind.com/memory-workout-program/color-match-game/

Mind Jolt www.mindjolt.com



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  1. It’s obvious that there is a lack of public knowledge on the subject of false memories, I am a FMS supporter, advocate and have helped many people. I find it disgusting that someone would think that you must be a rapist to support false memories, or the foundation. When I had my false memories, the foundation helped me. They got me through one of the hardest most destructive times in my life. Evan, please educate yourself, it’s obvious that you have no idea on the subject. So until something like this happens to you, I suggest that you get some education on the subject and stop spreading your hate filled messages.


    • Hello Maxine, thank you for your comments.

      I think it’s not necessarily that some people need education. The information is out there – which was the FMS Foundations goal. People often choose to not shake up their lives with science-evidenced therapy. IMHO it’s a poor choice, but they are free to make it.


    • Maxine, I think if people educated themselves about FMS related topics before printing their opinions, it would be a very different situation. At least we could argue facts and could at least agree to disagree. When people shoot off their mouths and spout opinions that clearly show they are not familiar with subjects that anger them.


  2. Evan, the idea that only rapists support the FMSF is demonstrably false and totally misguided. Every well respected national mental health organization has issued warnings about recovered memories and recovered memory therapy.


    • Agreed, Susan. I’m wondering if therapists are getting these warnings, or ignoring them. Inciting violence seems to be a trait of “survivors” that disagree with my opinions.

      Thank you for your comments.


  3. Evan, I guess I am a rapist, also. Your lack of understanding of such an interesting and thought-provoking blog is appalling. Jeanette, thank you for your blog and the links.


  4. Evan

     /  06/09/2015

    Are you a rapist? Only rapists support the False Memory Found Foundation.


    • Hello Evan,

      I stopped allowing comments like yours on this blog because it is hate speech and incites violence.

      In your case, I’m going to allow your comment to stand so readers can see, first hand, what people like you have to say.

      I’m sorry you cannot express yourself in an appropriate manner. People who have different opinions than you are not rapists. You are obviously in need of education.

      Liked by 1 person

    • cdarhower

       /  06/23/2015

      You seriously need to check yourself. You have no idea what you’re talking about. I am not in the FMSF, but I have had false memories. I used to think similar things about Jeanette. Not that she was a rapist, but that she was wrong. Only because I was too far into denial about my own memories. If you want to make your memories more concrete by trying to bring Jeanette down, maybe it’s time you looked in the mirror at what lengths you’ll go to make them more real.


      • I’m not a member of the FMSF, never have. Interesting that people want to believe I was influenced by someone else. I came to the conclusion that my therapist was delusional without assistance.


      • Hello cdarhower, thank you for taking the time to comment. I’m hoping that this person is simply ay flamer who wants to get people on this site annoyed. People who leave these comments don’t usually return.

        I find it interesting that you once thought my experiences did not apply to you. I’m glad you found your way out of your destructive therapy and are how recovering from it.


        • cdarhower

           /  06/25/2015

          I think it was the name of your blog in the past. Which I assumed from the get go was automatically against me. I think it was something like “DID does not exist”. Which automatically gave me a sense that you were not on my side. Also when I was diagnosed with DID, I also didn’t believe in DID and spent a lot of time fighting my professionals, before they were able to convince me that it was “true” and it was heartbreaking for me to accept, because I always felt there was something physically wrong with me, that nobody was bothering to look for, but I did accept it as truth, so when I read that at the top of your blog I sort of felt like I was going insane. “Wait, no they told me it was true”. Instead of investigating initially, I took the easy road and believed my professionals. I did eventually decide I didn’t have DID and went searching for that physical malady and found it, but it wasn’t easy for me to do. It may have been easier for me to just believe I had multiple personalities. Especially since it was so hard for professionals to take me seriously after getting a diagnosis like DID. In the long run I will be much healthier though, mentally and physically.



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